Overcomer by Dr. David Jeremiah In Stock Now

In this six-session video Bible study, Overcomer, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah uses Paul’s instructions in Ephesians 6:10–18–his command for us to overcome the forces of evil by putting on the armor of God–to lay out a pathway for spiritual victory.

We all know it’s hard out there. Sometimes it feels like the world is ripping apart at the seams.Sometimes it feels like our hearts can’t take any more hurt. But no matter what the world throws at us each day–anxiety, fear, confusion, temptation–we have a choice on how to respond. We can either concede defeat or live in the victory God has promised.

Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). As disciples of Christ, we have also “overcome the world.” As we daily put on each piece of armor–belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit–we receive God’s power to face life’s challenges and be assured of success.

Sessions include:

  1. Overcoming Falsehood with Truth
  2. Overcoming Evil with Good
  3. Overcoming Anxiety with Peace
  4. Overcoming Fear with Faith
  5. Overcoming Confusion with Wisdom
  6. Overcoming Temptation with Scripture