Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets by Andy Stanley In Stock Now

In Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets, Andy Stanley will help you learn from experience and stop making bad decisions by integrating five questions into every decision you make, big or small.

You'll discover how to:

  • Develop a decision-making filter that reveals which choices will likely lead to positive results in your life.
  • Avoid selling yourself on bad ideas and making quick decisions when time is short.Find truth and clarity in any tricky decision.
  • Improve relationships and heal division through better decisions.
  • Discover the reasons behind your decisions so you can move forward with positive changes.
  • Consider the long-term impact of your choices so you can write a life story worth celebrating.
  • Easily identify any red flags that signal which decisions may result in future regrets.

Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets will set you up for success in every season of life, for the rest of your life.